Push2Run Setup for Pushover

  Welcome to the Push2Run setup page for use with Pushover.

Of note, Push2Run is not released nor supported by Pushover.

This page explains how to setup Push2Run and control your Windows computer using a Google Assistant (Google Home, Google Mini, Google Max, or smart phone running Google Assistant), IFTTT, Pushover and Push2Run.

The example below shows you how to open the Windows calculator on your PC or laptop (however, you can click here to find out how to run any program, batch or script file, open a file or website, restart or shutdown your computer, etc.):
What you will need, a:

  1. Google Home, Google Mini, Google Max, or smart phone running Google Assistant

2. Windows computer

3. (free or paid) account with Pushover

4. (free) copy of Push2Run

5. (free) account with IFTTT

What to do:

Now comes the part that's kind of like Mousetrap, here is how it all fits together ...

1. Signup for a Pushover account at the  Pushover website
2. Install and run Push2Run on your PC or Laptop
When Push2Run is first run you should be prompted to setup up Dropbox, Pushbullet, Pushover, or MQTT; these instructions explain how to setup Pushover.
3. On the Push2Run - Options window, in the Pushover settings:

-  check 'Enable Pushover'

- enter your Pushover user id (the email id you use to sign onto Pushover)

- leave the Pushover device name set to its default value (although you can change it if you like)
  Push2Run Pushbullet Options window  
   - click the 'Authenticate' button, and enter your Pushover password
     (your Pushover password is not stored by Push2Run but is passed to Pushover to authenticate
     your use of Pushover by Push2Run),

- click OK in the window which confirms that the Authentication is ok,

- click OK to close the Options window

4. Sign onto IFTTT

a) if you don't already have an IFTTT account, you will need to click on 'Sign up' to create one; its easiest if you sign on using your gmail account via the 'Continue with Google' option

b) if you haven't already linked your gmail account, click on the icon of a person's head (top right), click on 'Account' - from this window link your Google account to IFTTT; you should use the same google account  you have linked to your Google Home/Mini/Max/device). You should also link your Pushover account; you will be prompted to do this in step 14. 

5.  In IFTTT click on the icon of a person's head (top right), click on 'Create',
6.  On the IFTTT "Create your own" window, click on the "+ this" in the "if + this then that",
7. In the search for services, search for "Google Assistant" and select it,
8. Select "Say a phrase with a text ingredient",

text ingredient
9. Complete the form as follows:
instructions - 1

Note: do not use "Open $" as a phrase that you want to use, Google has this somehow reserved and it doesn't work with IFTTT. 

10  Click on "Create trigger",
11. Click on "then that" in the "if + this then that",
12. Click on Pushover,
13. Click on 'Send a Pushover notification',
Complete the IFTTT-Pushover 'Complete action fields' window as below


Linking you Pushover account:
If you have not linked your Pushover account to IFTTT before, you will be prompted to do so in this step.

The 'Message' field:
should only say TextField

The 'Device or Group' field:
should be set to the device name used in step 3 above
(it may take a few minutes for this to become available following your authentication in step 3 above)

instructions - 2

15. Click on "Create action",
16. Click "Finish",
17. Give it a try by saying to your Google Assistant
"OK Google tell my computer to open the calculator".
For additional help

Please see the Push2Run Help webpage.
  info@push2run.com   Copyright © 2018 - 2022 Rob Latour
  Other great software by Rob Latour:
   A Ruler for Windows   A Form Filler   CallClerk   Concentration  FixMyLocation 
  MyArp   Reporting for Rackspace   S-Controller   SetVol   UDPRun