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Keyboard Shortcuts

Posted: Mon Sep 30, 2019 1:18 am
by TerryHiggins
Good evening Rob, Thanks once again for this wonderful piece of software, I use it constantly. I have read & re read your tutorial on the difference between entering text and entering key strokes but still I have a question. I use a gaming keyboard one with all sorts of extra keys that can serve as macros if wanted. One row of keys however are pre-programmed to control audio. ALL phases of it. Volume up down play pause etc etc. My question is,
is it possible to feed those keys to Push-2-Run as a parameter or Keys to send somehow? Im asking this as I'm struggling to get " Set Volume " to work.
Im guessing the answer to be No but You are the man so I thought I'd ask. Thanks in advance

Photo of Keyboard attached if it helps at all.


Re: Keyboard Shortcuts

Posted: Mon Sep 30, 2019 6:53 am
by RobLatour
Hi Terry,

You're very welcome, glad the program is being of good use to you.

I googled a bit, but couldn't find the apex 330 (what the screenshot says) and based on what I can see of the image you included I assume its some sort of software program that sets up your keyboard?

In any case, Push2Run can send any Windows Keys as shown here, virtual keys are sent via the {VKC001} command. However, what I suspect here is that when you press one of those special keys on your keyboard what they do is trigger your keyboard to run a macro which just does what Push2Run doe - that is to say it sends a series of normal windows keys to your computer in sequence.

So in short, Push2Run can likely do the same thing as your Keyboard, but you would have to enter in the 'Keys to send' all the keys that get entered in your macro, as opposed to just one key on your keyboard.

Hope this helps,
