Yes, if you go to the Push2Run main window and click Actions - Options - Pushbullet you will see a field called Title Filter. The value in that field, for example, "Push2Run ROBSPC" needs to match the Title of the PushBullet note as defined in IFTTT - for more information please see point 18 at
Also, as per the help at
Pushbullet - Title Filter - this is the phrase you use when setting up IFTTT, it separates pushes to be handled by Push2Run from all other pushes.
For Push2Run to process a request on a specific PC or laptop all the words used in the Push2Run Options Pushbullet Settings window must be included in the words entered in the IFTTT Push a note window.
In the simplest case, where you are using Push2Run on only one PC or laptop, the words in the Push2Run Options Pushbullet Settings window match the words in the IFTTT Push a note window. The default words are 'Push2Run YourComputerName'.
If you want to have a Google Home/Mini command processed on more that one PC or Laptop all at once, you can. An example of where you might want to do this, is you saying "OK Google tell all my computers to shut down".
To do this you would set up a separate IFTTT command, generally as described in the setup instructions, with the following two updates:
1. the IFTTT entry for what you want to say should be something like 'Tell all my computers to $'
2. the IFTTT Push a note Title would be something like 'Push2Run ROBSPC KAYSLAPTOP BASMENTPC'.
Hope this helps explain things