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Sent pushbullets notification directly to Push2Run without ifttt?

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 7:41 am
by powermarcel10

I really like the idea of this software and its working exactly as described. Awesome!

However, I like to use it a bit different..

I have a smarthome based on a homey smarthome controller wich also support pushbullet by itself.

I like to sent commandos with homey to push2run directly to execute cmd files on my htpc.

Is there a way to let my homey communicate directly with push2run without using ifttt?

As an alternative, my homey has also support for ifttt, so that way it is working allready, but its a bit complicated to setup every single commando, and there is a lot of lag this way..

Keep up the good work!

Re: Sent pushbullets notification directly to Push2Run without ifttt?

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 2:13 pm
by RobLatour
Push2Run doesn't interact with IFTTT directly, rather it looks for an incoming push from PushBullet (as triggered by IFTTT). If you can connect your homey such that it interacts with IFTTT directly and can then in turn send a push from PushBullet then you're off to the races.

Re: Sent pushbullets notification directly to Push2Run without ifttt?

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2018 1:22 pm
by powermarcel10
Thanks for the reply!

Do I still need to install the pushbullet desktop sodtware on my htpc?

Strange thing is, Im able to sent a massage from my homey to pushbullet, and I can see the message on my htpc. However, push2run doesnt do anything with it.

Only when I use ifttt push2run execute the command..

In the configuration, I have to enter the name of my device like; Push2Run Desktop-Xxxxx. But Homey will only find the normal Desktop-xxxxx, wich is the desktop application. Maybe this has something to do with it?

Re: Sent pushbullets notification directly to Push2Run without ifttt?

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2018 1:55 pm
by powermarcel10
Thanks for your reply!

I don't exactly understand what you mean.. I want to sent command directly to push2run..

So by example, when I open my pushbullet app on my smartphone, or using pushbullet on my homey, I want to sent commands like; open the calculator, and push2run should execute it. Is that possible?

I'm trying that solution now, but without luck. Only when I use Ifttt it is working.

Just some questions;

-Does the pushbulet application for windows need to be installed on my pc?
-Pushbulet is creating an own name like; "Push2Run DESKTOP-ERSP0FR" but on my smartphone app it's only finding the normal "DESKTOP-ERSP0FR" wich is the desktop application I think. Right?

I hope you can help me a bit further with this as I hope I can do really great things with this!

Best regards,

Re: Sent pushbullets notification directly to Push2Run without ifttt?

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2018 1:57 pm
by RobLatour
Sorry, I don't have a homey so I don't know how they work. But in short, you need a pushbullet push to go to your computer for Push2Run to work.

However, regarding:
Do I still need to install the pushbullet desktop software on my pc?

I would suspect yes.

Re: Sent pushbullets notification directly to Push2Run without ifttt?

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2018 2:32 pm
by powermarcel10
Allright thanks.. In the tutorial there is nothing about installing the pushbullet application on the desktop..

IFTTT is not always reliable, so it will be nice if I'm able to sent messages to push2bullet directly.

What I don't understand is why I'm able to sent messages using pushbullet on my phone to my desktop, but why Push2Run not listen to them. Do you have any idea? If I can figure that out, it's easy to configure it the same way on my homey.