Push2Run cannot find the file specified

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Push2Run cannot find the file specified

Post by HeNeos »

I am trying to run a python script that I have previously used on my pc, but now I am trying to set it up on my new pc.
Push2Run can't seem to find the python file (brightness.py). I have also tried giving the full path name, but it doesn't work.
I have also tried other files in the same folder and it does not work. However, calling only python.exe works, so I don't think it's a bug with the location of the python interpreter.

This is the log:

Code: Select all

2023-10-16 01:25:47.315 - Client requested to run the currently selected entry, description is brightness
2023-10-16 01:25:47.320 - The system cannot find the file specified
2023-10-16 01:25:47.321 - The action was run, but it appears to have failed
the conf and file path:
screenshot.PNG (31.1 KiB) Viewed 3845 times
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Re: Push2Run cannot find the file specified

Post by RobLatour »

What happens if you try this:

Open field:

Start directory:
the full path name of where the python.exe program is stored

c:\Users\heneo\dot-files\AlexaScripts\brightness.py $
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