Alexa, tell my computer to... [NO IFTTT required]

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Joined: Mon Dec 19, 2022 12:22 am

Re: Alexa, tell my computer to... [NO IFTTT required]

Post by LazySpaniard »


Added ability to repeat the last push easily. Note the distinction between this and the "repeat that" intent which prompts Alexa to simply repeat what it last said. The 'push again' intent invocations are currently the following. Let me know if you have any suggestions for invocation phrases to add to this list.
  • send it again
  • push it again
  • again
Added basic support for Italian, French, and Japanese in addition to English, German, and Spanish. Please let me know if you notice any localization errors since I don't speak most of those languages. Let me know if you utilize any of those and I'll work on implementing for of the default language's functionality.

Lastly, I started rebanding from "PC Pusher" to "PC Commander" since I think it's a more fitting name and feedback was generally positive.
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Joined: Mon Dec 19, 2022 12:22 am

Re: Alexa, tell my computer to... [NO IFTTT required]

Post by LazySpaniard »


With the help of a very patient and helpful Push2Run user, we now have FULL French support.

To open skill:
Alexa, ouvre mon ordi
To perform one-shot command:
Alexa, dis à mon ordi de envoyer <your command here>
The skill now even supports all current alternate verbs, for example:
Alexa, dis à mon ordi de ouvrir <your target here>
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Re: Alexa, tell my computer to... [NO IFTTT required]

Post by LazySpaniard »

Exciting update!

I've discovered a scalable way of supporting a larger list of push alternate verbs such as "skip". So instead of push skip, a user can omit push, and simply say skip.

There are two versions of intents I could use, one where simply the alt verb is sent, and one where the alt verb plus a target. For example...
Alt verb only: skip
Alt verb + target: skip song

But there's a caveat with the second version. It requires a target to be specified after being prompted for it by Alexa.

That is to say, after saying skip it or skip them, Alexa will ask "skip what?", and you will need to provide something or the intent will fail and nothing will be sent. Unfortunately, at this time, I don't have a way of accepting an alt verb + the target in a single phrase.

The current list of alt verbs are as follows:
  • skip
  • like
  • sign
  • decrypt
  • encrypt
  • highlight
  • spellcheck
  • replace
  • insert
  • align
  • format
  • navigate
  • move
  • create
  • share
  • attach
  • import
  • export
  • filter
  • sort
  • refresh
  • redo
  • undo
  • minimize
  • maximize
  • resize
  • scroll
  • zoom
  • drop
  • drag
  • select
  • rename
  • search
  • delete
  • cut
  • paste
  • copy
  • save
  • left click
  • right click
  • click
  • jump
Posts: 18
Joined: Mon Dec 19, 2022 12:22 am

Re: Alexa, tell my computer to... [NO IFTTT required]

Post by LazySpaniard »

Short update
Thanks to ChatGPT, the skill's full functionality is now accessible in all languages supported by Alexa.
  • German
  • Spanish
  • Italian
  • French
  • Japanese
I've also made a how-to setup walkthrough which shows how to control your PC using the skill.
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Joined: Mon Dec 19, 2022 12:22 am

Re: Alexa, tell my computer to... [NO IFTTT required]

Post by LazySpaniard »

Been slowly plugging away since my last update (for half a year!) Since then, a few things were done.
  • Found a sustainable way to address the redirect_uri issue that was requiring manual intervention when users performed account linking.
  • Enabled subscription tier (tl:dr during beta testing, Amazon simulates any charges)
  • Set free-tier limit to 150 pushes a month.
  • Updated with latest information.
  • Added Spanish translation option to the howto page. Working on translations for the rest of the languages.
Yyyyup. Getting close to being able to re-submit for certification. I think I'm going to get tripped up on localization though so the next couple of months is probably going to be a crash course in German, Italian, and French.
Posts: 18
Joined: Mon Dec 19, 2022 12:22 am

Re: Alexa, tell my computer to... [NO IFTTT required]

Post by LazySpaniard »

Hi all. It's been nearly two years but we've finally crossed the finish line.
PC Commander, the skill that connects your Alexa to your Pushbullet service, particularly for use with Push2Run, is now LIVE! :D
You can find a link to it here:

Thank you very much for all your input and riding along with me on this journey.
If you have any questions, suggestions or just general feedback, feel free to reach out to me here or directly.
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