Hi, I hate stopping play to type a chat message in games, I'm old and a bit of a slow typist, so I was wondering if anyone knew how to send my variable (what i say to the homehub) as a message in the chat. it would need to be something like this.
Hey google type "$" ($ = the chat message) `talk to chromecast
pass the chat message to a vb script
pause for 2 seconds
have the vb script press enter to open the chat window
send the string variable as text
have the script press enter again to send the message
Sounds pretty simple but I'm having trouble getting it to work, but I'm not a good coder, I managed to get it to work with notepad using this vb script:
set x=createobject("wscript.shell")
x.run "notepad.exe"
wscript.sleep 2000
But as soon as i try and change it to type into the game it breaks.
Anyone good with vb, or perhaps knows how to do this with Nircmd? Any help would be appreciated thanks.